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Holiday Inn Hotel Wins Commendation!

Leach Rhodes Walker awarded ‘Commendation’ at Southend Annual Design Awards 2013.

We are pleased to announce that our Holiday Inn Hotel at SouthendAirport has won a ‘New Build Commendation’ award at the Southend Annual Design Awards held back in December 2013.

The awards have been taking place annually since 1994, by Southend-on-Sea Borough Council as a means of recognising and encouraging excellence in local development.

The Panel, which was chaired by Councillor Jonathan Garston, Southend on Sea Borough Council’s portfolio holder for Planning and included representatives from RIBA, RICS and a local Conservation Society, judged this year’s entries resulting in six awards.

‘The panel thought the building had created a new landmark for the town and it integrated well with the airport complex as a whole. It considered the rooftop restaurant and viewing area in particular had taken full advantage of the aspect overlooking the airport and was an asset to the scheme.’

Our Director Andy Forrest has said,

‘Throughout all of the design development it was paramount that the image to be expressed was to enhance the emerging architecture for Southend and in particular the airport. The final streamlined profile was designed to include extensive viewing areas creating dynamic external forms and expansive internal vistas over the airport. We believe the completed hotel achieved our original goals and it is an added bonus and compliment to be commended for the design.’

Well done to all who helped to make this project such a success.

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